When it comes to social media marketing, entrepreneurs need to show their identities. They need to show their face, personality, and heart. When people connect to those things, they will connect to you. There are many more factors that play into the social media marketing game. Join your host, Victoria Wieck and her guest David Trotter as they discuss how to create a strong social media identity. David was a pastor who learned how to market and raise funds. He now runs a marketing agency called, Rise Up Creatives. He is also the host of the Inspiration Rising podcast, where he helps entrepreneurial women in their business journey. Learn all you need to know about social media marketing today.
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Creating A Social Media Identity With Soul Inspired Entrepreneur David Trotter
You’re not going to believe this but I have an amazing guest. He’s an extremely well-rounded person, lot of compassion, tons of creativity, and has so much to offer. I had to figure out how we do our show. Without further ado, let me introduce you to Mr. David Trotter. He is the Founder of Rise Up Creatives and also the host of Inspiration Rising Podcast with 185 episodes, which is huge. A lot of podcasts are starting out with 10, 20, 30 episodes. The point I’m trying to make is that 185 episodes mean he has invested so much time and effort in educating people and bringing you content that’s relevant, something that his listeners subscribed to and embraced. Give that podcast a shout and also give it a listen because you’re going to find amazing wisdom, not just from him but all his guests and so forth. Check that out as well.
Lastly, I want to also explain that David was a pastor for over ten years. He then went on to create a social media marketing agency. I haven’t asked him this yet, but I’m assuming that all of the experience he’s had raising money for nonprofits and churches is a tough job. He is going to share a little bit about the social media aspect of this as well. We’re going to stumble onto his take on the mindset. The whole end goal for all of us is whatever we choose to do to make a living, whether it is raising money for churches or creating social media, we want to end up happy, wealthy and successful human beings that we want to be proud of and that our families could be proud of. Without further ado, welcome to the show, David.
Thank you so much, Victoria. It’s great to meet you and be with you.
Thank you. I don’t even know where to begin because I’m looking at your bio and it’s not a huge long bio but I have to tell you that there are a few things that pop out. One of them is that you’ve pretty much dedicated your professional career to helping women entrepreneurs. First of all, my hat is off to you because we all know that there has been a very thick glass ceiling for women, especially women entrepreneurs, for quite some time, not just here but globally.
I can remember when I was one of the first generations of women who worked in a managerial capacity. There were lots of men that we worked with side-by-side but they didn’t like that. They were vocal about that too. I wanted to point that out and we’re going to talk about that a little bit on how you dedicated your life to that. Secondly, we want to talk a little bit about helping small businesses cope with social media, the good and the bad. Tell us why do you think you were attracted to helping women entrepreneurs.
In late 2018, I had just finished my fourth film. I had fallen into filmmaking because I wanted to draw attention to certain social justice issues in the world. My first film was on orphans in India. It was on Netflix for two years. I then did a documentary that featured six female abolitionists who were aware of the issue of sex trafficking around the United States, and they opened up aftercare homes. I finished my fourth film in late 2018. I told my wife that I wanted to be making a difference on more of a day-to-day basis rather than a year-to-year basis through these films because they take so long to raise money, produce, direct, and get it out in the marketplace.
We talked about me moving more in the business consulting direction because of my entrepreneurial background. People don’t realize this but as a pastor, when you start a church with a dozen people and you’re trying to get it off the ground, it is extremely entrepreneurial. You have to use all of these resources and you don’t say marketing but it is marketing. You’re putting on a big event single Sunday. With HR, you’re recruiting people to be a part of it, volunteerism, money and all of it. I had spent over a dozen years having my own marketing business.
Make a difference on a day-to-day basis rather than a year-to-year basis.
I said to my wife, “I want to move more toward business consulting and podcasting.” She said, “Who would be the group of people that you would want to serve?” I’m looking back over 25 years of ministry, marketing and movies, the group that most resonated with my work and that I felt like I had the most connection with were primarily women in the 30 to 60 year age range. We started Inspiration Rising Podcast in early 2019. We have almost 220 episodes out. It features female entrepreneurs almost exclusively and me.
I have the privilege of showcasing their incredible talent and their work, and helping pull out their wisdom so that other people can be inspired by it, grow from it and take action from whatever they learn on the podcast. I have a business academy where I help soul-inspired coaches and entrepreneurs to get started in their businesses. It’s not just particularly women that I like working with and helping start their business, but it’s women who are soul-inspired. There’s something that’s heart-driven about them. They’re not just out to make a buck but they want to do something good through their business.
One of the reasons why I fell into this is I grew up in a rather conservative Christian environment where women couldn’t be leaders in the church at a certain level. Oftentimes, they were more defined by certain roles that they would play that were more helping roles. As I went through college and seminary, have a church on my own and hired female pastors, I started realizing I’m not the guy who’s going to be out championing, bringing attention to the #MeToo movement or something like that, but I do feel like I’m the person who’s going to come alongside people, cheer them on, bring out the best in them, and do whatever I can to help. It seems to be the thread that runs through my life and I enjoy it.
What I’m hearing from you also is why you resonate with women entrepreneurs. You’ve touched on two points that are close to my heart. One of them is that if you don’t have your heart in something, if you don’t give your all, if you don’t have a passion for it, and you’re just chasing money, it’s a matter of when your business goes bankrupt. It’s not if because you’re going to run out of steam. You have very long days. You don’t have anything to sustain you, especially for those people who don’t even have any faith in themselves or the community.
We know that life happens. What that means is you’re going to get into detours, landmines and unplanned things that happen to you and to your business. If you don’t have passion for something and you’re just chasing money, that is a disaster waiting to happen. You find that a lot of women won’t start a business unless they see something they can connect with. That’s what I find to be very different between men and women starting their businesses.
The other thing is this show isn’t about what’s wrong with men or why women are superior but when it comes to business, there are a lot of hidden facts about female business people. One of them is women are simply much more open-minded. If you tell them I’m going to do X, Y, Z and somebody comes and says, “Have you tried doing O, Q and L?” A lot of men would say, “No. We have a plan doing this. This has worked for all these other people and it’s worked for me in the last ten years so we’re going to do it this way.” Women might go, “I never heard of that O, Q and L. What’s that about?” They’re a little bit more open-minded. In many instances, they are.
Lastly, they’re much better at multitasking. Even in a traditional church role, I’ve been going to church regularly every Sunday that I’m home. Even when I’m not home, I’ll try to find one if it’s happening on a Sunday. If you look at how churches are organized, the people that are doing the grunt work, 80% of them are women. Those are twenty women that make the whole thing go around. You can count on them putting things together.

Social Media Identity: When you start a church with a dozen people and you’re just trying to get it off the ground, that is extremely entrepreneurial.
Those are all key ingredients for successful entrepreneurship. They need to know and have a little bit more direction. I hear you on why women. I love men. I had a father who’s not with us anymore. I have a husband, a son and brothers. They are great people too, but there were some subtle differences on that and you picked up on that one.
When it comes to mindset, no matter your social status, education level or the type of business you’re in, you are going to run into obstacles. The most obvious one is funding. There’s always no enough money to do all your marketing and everything else or hiring top-notch talent, but also mindset in terms of running into roadblocks with your customers, the vendors and everyone else. Do you coach in your Rise Up Creatives or any of your programs about overcoming those types of mindset issues? If so, what are some of the top two tips that you would give?
In the Rise Up Business Academy, one of the very first things that we begin with is your identity because if someone doesn’t have a strong personal identity, those challenges that you’re talking about could knock them down. One of the things that we’ve started off with at the very beginning is that our identity isn’t based on all the externals of life. If we want to be strong business people, all those externals are beautiful. They’re fun, playful and enjoyable, but they also can be here today and gone tomorrow. That could be the case because of challenges in relationships. You could base your whole identity around being a mom or a wife, then it changes and that can be so painful.
We say, “What would it look like for you to create a strong identity around the fact that you’re inspired, enough and loved?” The Latin word for inspire means to be breathed into life by the divine. There’s this sense of being breathed into life. To be inspired isn’t a feeling. It’s a fact that you have been breathed into life by the divine. You have value in and of itself just as you have value as a human being. The second is that you’re enough, whole and complete. You don’t need to do or be anything else to be complete. The third is you’re loved. You’re loved by the divine, by God, your family and friends. They may not do it perfectly but they love and they love you.
What’s interesting about these three qualities is that if we are able to embrace these three things as our true identity, it takes care of three of the biggest challenges that most entrepreneurs face in terms of their mindset. Am I valuable? Is what I’m doing valuable? Am I valuable as a human being? We’re not talking about skills here. We’re differentiating between skills and identity because we can always be growing and learning in terms of skills. We can always be pivoting in terms of, “Is my product valuable to the marketplace? Am I valuable as an individual 100%? Am I enough?”
Many of my clients wrestle with, “I’m not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough and creative enough.” Let’s tease out the difference between your identity of being enough and your skills. We’re always learning and growing but you are enough. You don’t have to do or be anything else to be enough. You are whole and complete. That creates a sense of strength, shoulders back and head high. The third is you’re loved.
Those are the three things that most human beings struggle with. If I can help them embrace that as their true identity, all of a sudden there’s a mindset shift. It goes, “I can always be learning and growing but in terms of my identity, I put my identity in these things. My identity is not just in, “I’m a mom, a wife, an entrepreneur, or that I have a certain car or wear certain clothes.” All those things can change. All those things are good. I’m not saying they’re bad, but the foundation of your identity is you’re inspired, you’re enough and you’re loved.
If you don’t have a passion for something and you’re just chasing money, it’s only a matter of when your business goes bankrupt.
I come from a culture where your identity is very big into destiny like what you were born to accomplish in life, which I completely don’t agree with there either. How do you work with someone who has been conditioned for so long that they’re not good enough? They come to the world view in everything they tackle in life with the idea that I’m not good enough. I’m not loved unless I get a new car, do something, get something sleek, some niche or something that I have, that no matter what I do in my business world, I’m not going to succeed.
These currents, as you know, are very strong. If somebody comes into that, they’re very strong. What are the tips you would give to someone? Is there a daily exercise? Is there some framework that you give to help those people that have a problem even understanding what my identity is or how do I improve upon it? If you don’t even have a foundation or base, you don’t know. Some people have a tough time differentiating their identity without all the toys and everything else. How do you help with that?
The number one way that most people learn is not fun. It’s pain. I can teach you a technique in terms of helping you with your mindset, but the number one way that people learn, including me, is generally having some rock bottom experience. That rock bottom experience can come at all different ages. Maybe we have to hit that rock bottom experience multiple times but it could be a spouse, a partner or a kid looking you in the eye and saying, “You’re workaholic. I never see you. I’m not connected to your heart. You’re so focused on your business because you’re trying to prove yourself through your business and all these extra things.”
It could be a kid looking you in the eye and saying, “You’ve given me all the cars, all the clothes, all the vacations but you haven’t given me your heart. I’m not loved by you.” Those are rock bottom experiences where we have to come to grips with. It’s in that rock bottom experience where we have a breaking of our heart and the opportunity to look within and go, “What’s going on inside?” The only way that can truly be changed is by some transformational healing process. There has to be healing because what we’re talking about is deep woundedness. There’s some sort of wound that’s holding us back from seeing ourselves as valued, enough and loved. Most likely, that wound has come through a home of origin we have, our family, friends, culture or whatever it might be.
That’s part of the pain. A lot of people do self-destruct because they’re trying to find that identity. It usually can turn into overshopping, overeating, overworking out, over gambling, overdrinking, drugs, all those things. Those are all coping mechanisms when we don’t feel like we’re enough. Usually, that rock bottom experience is where we can have that opportunity to experience healing. In the process though, what I teach my clients to do is, first of all, listen and slow down your thinking because there are thoughts that are flowing through your head that are lies.
I call them lies. Some people call them limiting beliefs. They’re lies about you, other people, the divine, God, or the world in general that you believe. We think so fast that sometimes we don’t even realize they’re lies because we’ve heard them so often. It is not a lie anymore. It’s become a belief about our life. We justify it. If we slow down our thinking or if we have somebody else, a coach, a consultant or a therapist come alongside us and say, “Did you notice that you have a belief that you need to work seven days a week in order to be successful?” “No, I have to.”
“Yeah, but that’s a belief. Is it possible that that’s a lie that you’re believing and that’s causing you self-destruction?” The underlying why of working seven days a week could be, “I’ll never be enough.” If that’s the lie, what’s the truth that would move you toward more freedom, more health, more peace in your life? It’s not just that I am enough but it could be I’m whole and complete. I don’t have to do or be anything else in order to be enough because that’s the truth.

Social Media Identity: To be inspired isn’t a feeling. It’s a fact that you have been breathed into life by the divine and you have value in and of itself.
One of the biggest lies and I’m not saying that people are intentionally lying, but it’s not the truth, which is the way I can be a great parent or a great spouse is to go out and make as much money as I can and provide for them. Because I’m doing that, I could work 7 days a week, 15-hour a day. Even when I’m present at home, I go to the yard where I’m emailing. I know people like this. That’s why they want me to put this out.
This is a perfect time for us to segment into social media. I have a love-hate relationship with social media. If you’re running a business, you can’t escape it. People expect you to be there with the right content for the right reasons for the right amount of time, but what I see in social media is a lot of lies about fancy cars, fancy restaurants, and having the $15 coffee. The destructive part of life becomes public in your social media. That’s why I don’t like it because if I’m a normal person and I posted that I love my dog and my dog is doing something cute, it doesn’t seem like it even fits anymore because that’s so normal, whereas it’s much more grandiose things. It’s like the compete and compare the game that’s on there.
I have a feeling that you are a social media expert. You did a social media marketing digital agency for twelve years. How do we balance the valuable content we need to offer to our customers, clients and potential clients because that has to do with your brand positioning, also making it fun and effective so you don’t have to be so overconsumed? It doesn’t have to be all time-consuming event when you’re trying to have a presence on social media. Do you have any wisdom with that?
First of all, we want to differentiate between your brand social media and maybe your personal brand like you as an individual. Sometimes those are collapsed. Those are the same individual. A lot of the clients that I work with only have one social media account and it’s there. You have to differentiate that. First of all, who is your ideal client? Who’s your dream client? What do they want to learn from you? What’s going to be the most helpful? If you are trying to go after a high-net-worth client, showing high-net-worth things would make sense. If that’s not your ideal client, then you have to ask yourself why you would be posting those types of things.
If you’re a high net-worth client and your ideal audience is the high net-worth client, do you think that they’re necessarily even on social media?
The high net-worth clients that I worked with tend to avoid it. For instance, I have a client who’s in Beverly Hills that just got a yacht. They’re not posting a picture of the yacht. They’re posting a picture of their dog and them. I can see the yacht and the water in the background but it’s not the yacht. They have no need to brag and put that out there.
They’re really wealthy. They’re almost like normal people. I work with a lot of people that are $500 million and up. Those people don’t want anyone to know where they live, what they have and how they live. When you’re a high net-worth person, they are not on social media. That is not where your conversion rates are coming from.
Your identity isn’t based on all the externals of life.
Most of the people, if they are trying to show off some sort of lifestyle, I would generally say that they are going after a dream client. It’s an aspirational lifestyle. They’re creating a mood where they’ve got the Gucci bag or the YSL. They’re trying to create that persona. Those are not the people that I work with. That feels emptier to me. That doesn’t resonate with me. I want to work more with people that are saying, “Who’s my dream client? How can I help and serve those people?” What would it look like that when I post something on social media, it is here to serve people?
A lot of the women that I work with will first say, “I don’t want to post on social media because it’s exactly what you described.” They would describe that. I would tell them, “It depends on who you’re following. If you’re following that type of person, that’s who you’re going to see.” I don’t personally see the thing that you described where people are showing off their cars because I don’t follow those types of people. You find what you’re looking for. All the people that I follow are very soul-inspired. They’re very much more spiritual. They’re looking to make a difference in the world. You can be that person. You can fully represent yourself online.
I did a podcast on the three things that people need to show on social media as they’re getting started in the business. I said, “You need to show your face, your personality and your heart.” That’s what people want to see. People love seeing other people’s faces. If you’re not willing to show your face, it’s putting a bag over your head and trying to get people to remember you. Your face is the best logo you could ever have in your business because people remember your face and are drawn to it.
How would you go about doing this in a very consistent manner and time-effective way? What I do with my social media is I have an editorial calendar and a routine. Every Monday, I post a motivational quote. I try to go for something that not a lot of people know about so that it will get their attention but it’s relevant to them. I do the Motivational Monday to get my week going. I don’t do anything on Tuesday. I’ll post something on Wednesday that has happened or is relevant. If I’m launching a new thing or I experienced something new in the relevant category, that’s what I would do.
Friday usually is the Fun Friday, anything goes. That’s where I would have my family and the dog. Saturday and Sunday, it’s not a routine where I’m posting but I have the Monday, Wednesday, Friday thing. At least that gives me a way to organize my content time-wise. Also, it gives my followers something to look forward to if they’re looking for inspiration like a Monday morning blues, and they want something that reminds them why that week should be exciting. They could check my Monday morning posts. They’re not looking for any cars or anything like that at that time. Do you think that that’s something that you recommend?
Our clients inside Rise Up Creatives, we provide them with a social media planning calendar every single month, both as a PDF that they can download and a digital Google document that they can fill out online. We train them on how to plan an entire month of social media ahead of time. We provide our clients with 31 customizable captions every single month and 31 lifestyle images. Oftentimes, our clients will post an image of them on one day, more of a lifestyle image that’s a stock image the next day, and then another image of them the next day.
All of our caption templates are fit into seven different categories. We have found that there are seven top categories that are converting well to build know, like and trust. Victoria, you know that if somebody is going to convert, they’re going to buy from you if they want to know, like and trust you. The seven categories are my life, my why, life and business learning, behind the scenes, your actual product and service, and then your benefits.

Social Media Identity: In social media, there are only three things that you need to show. You need to show your face, your personality, and your heart.
I want to know something about your life if I’m going to know, like and trust you. I want to know something about your why. Why are you in business? What are you doing? I want to see something that’s behind the scenes in your business. I want to know life for business learning, something that’s going on that you’ve learned so that I could learn from you. I want to learn about your products and service. I want to learn about the benefits to you.
With these categories, we help people not just post them 1 through 7 days a week, but we strategically place them throughout the month. The first thing that we ask people to do and thinking about their month is, “When are you going to launch something? When are you launching a new lead magnet, a new product, a new podcast episode?” You’re going to want to put that on the calendar first. Everything revolves around when you’re launching a product or service, whether it’s free or something.
You can then put things that help build-up to that and are on a similar theme. If you were doing a new piece of jewelry that you’re launching, you could be talking about that piece of jewelry all the week before preparing for it. People are looking, watching, waiting and excited for that coming on Thursday or Friday. You’re building everything around your launch schedule.
What I took away from what you said is interesting. What you said is like, “Don’t just go and post because you have to post.” A lot of small business people are running out of time. They’re doing twenty things and wearing multiple hats. They’re the chief of everything in their company. They’re like, “Those social media. I need to post.” They’ll post something and they’re looking for content at that time, “Maybe I can take a picture of this.” What you’re saying is to have an editorial calendar and a plan of action. Only 3 or 4 things on your calendar are absolutely top priority and everything else supports it. It’s like when you’re producing a movie or a live TV show where you have your main storyline and everything else supports that.
That’s a good takeaway there because that organizes your thoughts. I agree with you that if you’re launching something, the pre-launch phase is more important than the actual launch day. The launch, you have to almost look at it as a process, not as an event that happens on one day and then you’re done. It’s like a job interview. You need to prepare for that, then show up, perform, follow up, and do all that. Using social media in that way is very smart.
Every 1 of the 7 most popular categories that they have talked about could be an hour show by itself, which we’re not going to go into. You can go check out RiseUpCreatives.com for more information on that. If you can get templates, editorial calendars, a proven system, thinking about your why, your lifestyle, those are not in dispute. Those categories work. If somebody can make that easier for you, I would go ahead and check that out.
Lastly, as we come to a close to this episode, I like the whole journey transformation of your own life and how that’s impacting other entrepreneurs. I work with a lot of entrepreneurs. I went from a penniless immigrant to a successful business owner. When I started my company, I just wanted to spend more time with my family. When my parents immigrated here, they each had two jobs at a minimum. Sometimes they had three jobs. They didn’t speak English, I had no friends and life was pretty tough. They left us alone to fend for ourselves. They trusted that we could somehow survive that time. I was only thirteen years old.
Your face is the best logo you could ever have in your business.
When I grew up and had jobs, I realized, “I’m going to do the same thing to my kids that my parents did on me.” I’m now chasing dollars of my choice. I chose to get higher and higher in the corporate hierarchy for more pay, which required more hours. I thought with this trajectory, I’m going to end up having nannies or other people take care of my kids while I’m out there chasing the dollars. It’s a different scale but I was doing that in my mind out of choice.
When I left the corporate world, I was willing to take a pay cut and work for $3,000 a month. The important thing for me at that time was I needed to work less than twenty hours a week so I could spend time with my family. I stuck to my life plan. I’m happy to say that going from 0 to $500 million in retail sales, all of my own brands, I am a better person now than when I first started my business because of all of the stuff that went wrong with my business.
I got screwed over by a manufacturer who took my samples and gave them to all my competitors. He thought that he would get more orders from them because they already had a pipeline, all kinds of stuff. I wrote a whole book about this. Each time something horrible happened where I was facing bankruptcy straight in front of my face after I’ve given my heart and soul, there were many times I sat there and thought to myself, “What happened?” Anything that happens to me now, my first question is, where is the gift in this?
All of those events ended up because of the way I handled them. I’m not saying I handled it any better than any other human being but I didn’t have choices to handle it. Sometimes the choices were yes or no. Yes is you have a slim chance and no is death. I survived that but now my question is, “Where’s the gift?” because I choose to see it as a gift. With your journey, you were a pastor. You were very good at that. You then go out and raising funds. I agree with you. Raising money for church is incredible because I’ve been involved in doing all kinds of stuff for my church.
The worst thing about churches is when you call, they already know you’re asking for money. They’re already looking at excuses. To be fair, we are asking the same congregation members for more and more money. Not too many pastors make that transition from pastorship clergy to a successful business owner, a filmmaker and everything else. You have evolved but you haven’t changed as a person.
The end goal for all of us is that as entrepreneurs, we want to gain that emotional freedom. We want to get financial freedom so that we can do great things for other people as well. It’s important to make sure that all of us who do make it in the end keep that original goal in mind. I’ve seen too many people that have made it financially but they paid the price. They got divorced four times. Their kids won’t even talk to them anymore. They don’t even know who they are. That’s sad and tragic. What words of wisdom do you have about achieving all of our ultimate goals in life, which is to be a better parent, spouse, partner, employee, employer, and just a great citizen of humanity?
I’ll oftentimes take clients through a meditation where we begin with their memorial service. When I was a pastor, I love doing funerals because you were there at the crux of this life moment where you want to avoid it but you can’t avoid it. It causes you to ask questions about what are my values and how do I want to live. I take them on a meditation to their own memorial service. We say who’s there, what are they saying about you, what’s written on your tombstone, and what’s the epitaph?

Social Media Identity: Ask, who is your ideal client? Who’s your dream client? What do they want to learn from you? So if you go after a high net worth client, you have to appear high net worth too.
Sometimes people will say, “I wanted it to be this but in the meditation, it was this. I felt scared and sad.” I take them back in time to the week or the month before their memorial service. I have them lying on a bed. I go, “Who’s surrounding you on that bed in your last moments of life when your body is beginning to shut down? Who’s there? What are they saying to you at that last moment? Do you have any regrets about how you’ve lived? Is there anything that you would like to do differently?”
We then continue to take steps back in their life and go, “Based on what you saw, did you like that or did you not? What do you want your optimal end-of-life scenario to be? What do you want people to say at your memorial? How do you live your life to get to that point? What are the things that you would have to put in place? Not hoping that my kids will be able to figure it out and I’ll reconcile with them when I’m 60. They’ll be able to forgive me for never being around. I don’t count on that.
That’s very powerful. We should all think about our memorial service because that would deconstruct a lot of our actions. Thank you so much for coming by. How can people find you? I’m sure that most of my readers would want to follow up on this on both the social media part of it, as well as the memorial service that you want us to all go on. That’s important and everything else. How can they find you?
People can listen to the Inspiration Rising Podcast on any of the podcast apps. You can also go to our website, which is InspoRising.com. On that page, you can find out all about Rise Up Business Academy, Rise Up Creatives and all the things.
Thank you so much. That’s the end of our episode here. For all of you, if you haven’t subscribed, please go ahead and do so. If you can share, rate and review this show, I would be very grateful. Stay healthy and happy. Remember, happiness is a choice. Until next time.
Important links
- Rise Up Creatives
- Inspiration Rising Podcast
- Rise Up Business Academy
- http://www.Instagram.com/riseupcreatives
- http://www.Facebook.com/riseupcreatives
- https://www.Instagram.com/insporising
- http://www.Facebook.com/insporising
- https://www.Amazon.com/David-Trotter/e/B003O7G8B6
- https://www.Imdb.com/name/nm5084689/
About David Trotter
David Trotter is a business growth consultant dedicated to helping new business owners rise above their biggest barriers to reach their greatest goals. After consistently hearing from his clients about the challenges of creating content for social media, lead magnets, and webinar slide decks, he launched Rise Up Creatives, a membership platform to help business owners create beautiful, engaging social media content in just five minutes a day. David is also the host of the Inspiration Rising podcast with over 180 episodes featuring female entrepreneurs and leaders sharing their experience and wisdom, and his latest book is entitled “Empowered to Rise: The Secret to Embracing Your True Identity, Uncovering Your Super Powers, and Bringing Your Inspiration to the World.”
Previously, David was a pastor starting fast-growing churches for over 10 years, owned a six-figure marketing boutique for 12 years, produced and directed four award-winning feature films on social justice issues (www.imdb.com/name/nm5084689), and has written a dozen books (www.amazon.com/David-Trotter/e/B003O7G8B6)
David and his wife, Laura, have been married for over 26 years, and they live in Southern California with their two almost-grown kids who are both in college.
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